by Jeff McKamey
Google is delaying their version of airtags
There are way more androids than iPhones, so they may work better in the long run.
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Apple Maps Detailed Experience
Corpus Christi is not on the list yet
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Keyboard Shortcuts
By pressing certain key combinations, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device.
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Boot camp does not work on the new Macs
For many years, Apple made it easy to run Windows on your Mac. Apple’s Boot Camp allowed you to start up your Intel-based Mac in either macOS or Windows, and this dual-boot capability was great for people who needed to use both operating systems.
Unfortunately, Apple only supports Boot Camp on Macs with an Intel processor.
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There are a lot of programs,
Parallels is the most polished, it’s been around the longest
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VM ware works really well, the free one is called player, the paid one is PRO, and has a free trial
As of today, they removed the developer preview from the website, but they are working on it!
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Note that all the previous ones require a lot of hard disk space, you have to make a virtual hard drive big enough for windows, your windows programs, and your windows data. I would do a minimum of 100 GB for a functional computer. The smallest you can get away with is like 25 GB. So if you have a small hard drive, your will need an external one for the extra room.
Wine is more of an emulator, and does not need the big hard drive file
Article One
Article Two
Article Three
Apple Maps is gaining more users
I am not sure the fact that there is way less stuff on Apple Maps is really the best thing for people using your software…
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IOS 17 betas are out
I really don’t recommend betas on your main phone, but if you have an iPad or extra phone!
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Explaining all the different new Apple processors
Make a boot thumb drive
You can use an external drive or secondary volume as a startup disk from which to install the Mac operating system.
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Our Tax Dollars at Work!@!
There is no telling how much they paid a research company to find out that they paid someone else to make the malicious program to start with.
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This drone footage is ridiculous (starts around 8 minutes)
This video explains all the hoops they had to go through to get it.
Watch Here